UE – Screen Space Fog Scattering v1.01: Screen Space Fog Scattering is an innovative post-process shader that improves the appearance of Exponential Height Fog by adding light scattering inside. The effect creates the impression of dense fog. It could be a fantastic final touch to the atmosphere of your scene.
Using the engine classes, this plugin injects a shader directly into the rendering pipeline, ensuring it's compatible with other default post-process effects.
How to add a foggy look to your pictures in Photoshop?
You can edit your images using "UE - Screen Space Fog Scattering".
Where can I download the product?
After subscription, You can download it for free from here.
The product is in the Photoshop category, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
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Technical Details:
What is UE – Screen Space Fog Scattering?
UE – Screen Space Fog Scattering is a post-process shader designed for Unreal Engine. It enhances the appearance of Exponential Height Fog by simulating light scattering within it, adding a realistic sense of density to the fog and contributing to the overall mood of the scenes. This effect is automatically applied to any scene or blueprint utilizing "Exponential Height Fog" and adjusts its intensity based on the fog settings.