PolySnow+ v1.03 for 3ds max 2016-2024: PolySnow Plus is a C++ established & multithreaded 3dsMax plugin that Generates realistic snow using a click. It comprises five custom six and object modifiers made explicitly for snow production workflow. Many Different parameters allow you to receive the desired results In each circumstance.
- Create Your own 3D resources' winter variations using a click
- Easy To utilize
- PolySnow Plus functions with 3dsmax 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
- PS_Particles: Procedural Object that produces snow particles on input items.
- PS_Mesher: Mesher Thing that requires particles as Input to create the last snow net.
- PS_Icicle: Icicle Thing that takes particles or objects as inputs to make icicles in the Underside of these items.
- PS_Flakes: Animated Procedural snowflakes item with various parameters to acquire the desired benefits.
- PS_FastSnow: An Additional procedural thing that produces snow net dependent on the topology Of the input item. Very similar to the extrusion approach.
- [PS][M] FluffySnow: Modifier to get meshes to earn the snow fluffy.
- [PS][M] PolyPrint: An animatable procedural modifier that chooses things as Input to make snowprints on a snow net.
- [PS][M] SnowNoise: A procedural Sound modifier works based on surface norms, unlike default sound modifiers. With comprehensive options to correct Perlin noise levels and dots sound parameters.
- [PS][M] SnowSculpt: Brush established shredding modifier to get snow mesh that allows You to enhance the surface of the snow. Let's add depth to the surface like tire marks, pathways, etc...
- [PS][P] ParticleToFlake: A procedural modifier to convert particles into flake meshes.
- [PS][P] SnowPaint: Brush established snow paint modifier That Makes particles Dependent on the brush pops. It can be Utilized as Input for meshes to create it Observable.
- Quick Low Distortion, Overlap Free, Weighted Density UVs
What's New:
- Added support for 3dsMax 2024
- Added support for 3dsMax 2022
- Bug fixes
- Added support for 3dsMax 2023